Final group project of the codenation software development bootcamp, which took 2 weeks to complete.
I was part of the frontend team, where I worked on various parts, however most of my work was focused mainly on the login page.
Tech Stack - MySQL, Express.js, React.js, Node.js
A solo project I undertook as part of the codenation Cyber Security Bootcamp, which took around 6 weeks to complete.
It is comprised of various encryption and decryption algorithms written in python, that allows users to create passwords, even randomly generated passwords, and change them on the fly.
Tech Stack - Python, PyQT
Another Javascript game made in a group as part of the codenation software developer bootcamp. This game used an API and API calls to bring in the images.
Tech Stack - HTML, CSS, JS + Cats4Lyf API
A simple Javascript game that was made as part of the codenation software developer bootcamp, which involves looking after an animal. It took around 1 week to get the game to the playable state it is currently in.
Tech Stack - HTML, CSS, JS